The Most Important Features of Recreational Insurance

There are many facets to recreational insurance coverage. Whether you live in your RV fulltime or use it mostly for road trips, insurance is a must to protect your interests. At Town & Country Insurance, we recognize the importance of getting the right insurance coverage for your vehicle. Here are some of the most important features that RV insurance has to offer.   

Liability Protection  

RV liability coverage is mandatory in Georgia, with minimum requirements being $25,000 per person for both bodily injury and property damage. If you travel frequently around Buford, GA or beyond, you should consider getting more than just minimum liability coverage. Extra liability coverage will protect your assets if you’re found liable for an accident that causes serious injuries or property damage to other motorists.

Protection for Your Vehicle

At the same time, you need protection for your own investment, especially if you’re still paying off your vehicle. Collision coverage will help pay for damages to your RV if you crash into another vehicle. This will greatly reduce the amount of money you spend out of pocket. With replacement coverage, your insurer will cover the cost of replacing your RV if it’s totaled in a crash.

If you travel a lot, you should consider comprehensive coverage as it protects you against theft and damages caused by inclement weather. You may also want uninsured motorist insurance in case you’re hit by someone who has insufficient coverage or no insurance coverage at all. You don’t want to be left footing the bill for accidents caused by others.

RV Insurance Costs

When choosing RV insurance, consider the value, age, and condition of your vehicle as well as how your RV is used. By being selective in your coverage, you can get adequate protection without straining your budget. For quality insurance protection at affordable costs, contact Town & Country Insurance in Buford, GA.

When Should You Choose Term Life Insurance?

Like most types of insurance, life insurance comes with many different choices depending on your specific circumstances. This is good news because it allows a person to customize their policy however they like, but it can also be confusing to be presented with so many choices (not to mention the insurance jargon that comes with all those choices.) Two major types of insurance include permanent and term insurance, and they each come with specific benefits. Town & Country Insurance wants the people of Buford, GA to learn more about when to choose one over the other. 

Insurance with a Deadline 

You can think of term insurance as having a specific deadline based on the policyholder’s wishes. The most common way it’s used is to provide for minors until they come of age. So if you have three children, you might want to set your life insurance to expire when the youngest turns 21. This way, you know they’ll be taken care of if something happens to you. If you would prefer to have a policy for your spouse or your children no matter what, then you should choose permanent insurance instead. 

Finding Help 

Term life insurance tends to be a lot more affordable than permanent insurance, but permanent insurance also offers a savings component that term insurance doesn’t. In other words, if you happen to hit a financial emergency, then you can borrow against your permanent life insurance policy. Calling Town & Country Insurance is an excellent way to sort out which policy is right for you. If you live in Buford, GA, give us a call today to find out more about how policies can be personally tailored to fit your specific needs, no matter what your financial or dependent situation happens to be. 

When Can You Claim Your Home Insurance?

A homeowners’ insurance policy is meant to protect you against significant financial losses that you may incur when a disaster strikes. It protects you against losses involving your home and loss of personal property. Town & Country Insurance is a leading home insurance provider in Buford, GA and is here to help you understand when you can claim your home insurance.

In an ideal world, you should be able to file a claim every time an event that is covered under the policy occurs. However, some homeowners avoid filing claims since they fear being classified as high-risk clients by the insurance providers. So, when is it advisable to file a claim?

When there is Loss of Use

Loss of use means that your residence is no longer habitable. If you are unable to live comfortably in your home due to a loss caused by covered events such as fire and hurricanes, be sure to file a claim. Your insurance provider will come in and either repair or rebuild your home in Buford, GA to make it habitable again. However, there may be certain limits on how much you can be reimbursed depending on the type of your policy.

Whenever a Liability Claim Is Filed Against You

Your standard home insurance protects you and your family members against liability claims. If a third party is injured in your home, then you may be sued for bodily injuries. Your standard home insurance policy should protect you against such claims and cover legal expenses if such cases end up in a court.

Whenever You’re Supposed to Settle Medical Bills

You should also file a claim if another person injures himself/herself on your property and you are supposed to cater for their treatment. Sometimes, medical bills can be too massive to settle from your own pocket. However, you need to keep in mind that the medical coverage only covers those people who are not living in your home.

Talk to Town & Country Insurance today for a comprehensive homeowners’ insurance policy.

Tips for Buying Commercial Insurance

When you own a business, it is imperative that you also have an excellent commercial insurance policy in place as well. However, not all commercial insurance policies are created equally. In fact, they are all created differently based on the type of business you have and what kind of coverage you need. Here at Town & Country Insurance, serving Buford, GA, we know that you need to be careful when buying commercial insurance. Use these tips to make sure you get everything you need in your policy. 

  • Be detailed regarding the work you do – When you are talking to an agent, you want to make sure that they know what you do. This will help them develop a policy that meets your needs. Going into detail is the only way to make sure you get what you need. 
  • Think through your employment policies – Commercial insurance should also take into account your employees and the liability that comes with them. Not only do you want to make sure that you protect your employees but also your business from your employees. The right commercial insurance policy is the perfect way to do both of these things as long as the policy has been crafted in a way that works both ways. 

As you can see, there are many different things to take into account when you are getting a commercial insurance policy. Even if you do not want to go through these steps, it is essential to get everything you need in one policy. Having the right agent on your side is imperative. If you are interested in getting commercial insurance for your business, be sure to reach out to Town & Country Insurance, serving Buford, GA, to speak with an agent and learn how to get started.

Will Your Recreational Vehicle Insurance Cover Your Kids in Case of an Accident?

Many residents of the greater Buford, GA area are outdoor enthusiasts, and when the weather is nice, you can often find them on the water or out in the woods. If you have a recreational vehicle such as an ATV or jetski, having adequate insurance coverage is often a smart idea. Town & Country Insurance is here to help you meet those needs and help you rest easy knowing that you have adequate coverage of your toy vehicle. An insurance policy that covers children and underage operators is often beneficial if your kids are using these vehicles.

Coverage for Theft, Damage, and Liability

Certain toy vehicles require registration and insurance coverage while others do not. For example, if you do not take your ATV on the road but simply use it as a trail vehicle, it may not be required under Georgia law to be registered or insured. However, Town & Country Insurance recommends that their clients in the Buford, GA area carry insurance for all of their vehicles whether they are used on the road or not. 

Liability protection is the most compelling reason to carry insurance for your recreational vehicle, especially those that are used by children. If your child or one of their friends are injured while on the vehicle, or if they cause damage to another person’s property, you can be held responsible for damages. Our professional insurance agents are knowledgeable about the policies that include coverage to keep you protected from any such situation.

It is strongly advised that you have comprehensive coverage in place prior to your child’s use of an ATV or other recreational vehicles. Please call us today to review your insurance needs and to learn about the possible solutions.

Understanding Life Insurance

Life insurance is something that many people are confused by. This is because there are a lot of different types of policies available for purchase and a lot of people do not know if they need it or how much to purchase. This guide from Town & Country Insurance, serving Buford, GA, can help you get a basic understanding of life insurance. 

  • Life insurance is a benefit for the ones you leave behind. You will not benefit from life insurance at any point in your life in most cases. However, it is a great way to help take care of the people that you love if you are no longer around. It is also a great way to pay any of your existing debts so that your family does not have to do it for you. 
  • You get to choose how much life insurance you want. You can choose to purchase a set amount of life insurance when you are choosing your policy. Because of this, it is recommended that you get only the amount you will need for your specific goals after death. 
  • There are different types of life insurance. The two main types that are purchased today include term and whole life insurance. Term life insurance is a policy that is in place for a set number of years and then expires. Whole life insurance is a bit more expensive, but once you pay it off, it is in place for your entire life.

There is still a lot more to learn about life insurance, but this guide should have helped you gain a better understanding of how it works and the options you have available to you. For more information or to get a quote for your life insurance policy, be sure to contact Town & Country Insurance, serving Buford, GA, today. 

How to Decide on a Home Insurance Plan

Braselton and Buford, GA residents who are looking for a new home insurance plan should abide by the following tips when it comes to finding the perfect coverage for their home and lifestyle.

Finding an Optimal Home Insurance Plan

1. Shop around to find the best plan.

You’ll want to get quotes from several home insurance companies in your area to find those with optimal prices as well as quality customer service. At Town & Country Insurance, we pride ourselves on both of these things.

2. Set a budget.

If you are on a budget for other areas of your life, you’ll want to set a budget for your home insurance as well. Plan ahead by deciding on a maximum monthly payment before you speak with an agent.

3. Speak with an agent.

Next, you’ll want to sit down with an agent to discuss your home insurance options one-on-one. Home insurance qualifications differ from state to state, and different lifestyles require different coverage options as well. Speaking one-on-one with an insurance agent will ensure that you find the perfect plan for you and your family.

4. Ask about discounts

There are numerous discounts available for homeowners, from smoke detectors and burglar alarms to free water safety systems and shutter installation. Depending on where you live and which insurance company you go with, these discounts may be available to you, and you only have to request information about them.

Contact Us Today

If you are a Dacula, Braselton, or Buford, GA resident, Town & Country Insurance can help you find the perfect home insurance plan. We have numerous options available, and a number of policies that will be sure to meet your needs. Stop by our nearest location today or give us a call to speak with an agent directly about your options. We look forward to hearing from you!

When to Review Commercial Insurance Coverage

It’s important to review your commercial insurance coverage at least once a year and there are also some scenarios when it’s necessary to review coverage more frequently. The agents at Town & Country Insurance in Buford, GA suggest that this is the best way to understand the terms of your policy and update them when needed.

It’s also important to review your policy after a loss. Many businesses find out they were not covered for something after a tragic event took place. Also, anytime your business goes through massive changes, it’s important to review coverage.

Besides once a year, it is recommended that you review coverage when these instances occur:

  • When revenue changes
  • Property changes and when new property is acquired
  • Added employees
  • Changes to products
  • Company vehicles are added

Liability coverage will need to be adjusted as your businesses begin to have a higher revenue stream. The size of your company will determine if you need to update workers comp insurance as well. It’s important to know the difference in numbers of employees so when your Georgia company surpasses the limit of employees, you can update your insurance to follow suit. If you do add company vehicles, the need for insurance will be based on who is driving and what the vehicle is used for.

If you are selling your product to customers, your product liability insurance will need to be updated any time there are significant changes to your products.

It’s important to review coverage for a number of reasons. You may be overpaying for coverage you aren’t using or you might discover that you are underinsured. While reviewing your coverage, you may find mistakes with the policy. Not only can mistakes cost you more money, but they also could become a major issue if you are trying to use coverage that you thought you had. Once you review coverage, you may also be able to get a different rate that is better than before.

To review your commercial insurance coverage, contact Town & Country Insurance, serving Buford, GA. Our agents can answer your commercial insurance questions.

Do I need insurance for my bicycle?

If you’re considering calling Town & Country Insurance in Buford, GA to get your bicycle covered, here’s what you need to know:

It’s Not Legally a Requisite

If you own a motorboat, a jet ski, or a dune buggy, you are required by law in Georgia to get it insured. Not so much with a bicycle. The laws about recreational insurance generally revolve around motor vehicles. This means that you don’t need insurance, legally speaking, for a kayak, a skateboard, canoe, or anything else powered by your arms and legs, and that includes a bicycle. The question of whether to insure your bicycle comes down to a personal choice rather than a legal obligation.

But It’s Not a Bad Idea

All it takes to steal a bicycle is a pair of bolt cutters. You can take the front wheel inside with you when you stop at the country store on your weekend ride, but that’s not going to stop someone from throwing it into the back of their truck and replacing the wheel sometime later. If you’re just using a cheap old bike you picked up from a thrift store to get around, then insuring it might be more trouble than it’s worth. If you’re a serious cyclist, there’s no reason not to consider getting a policy on your bike. Some sellers and manufacturers offer warranties, but these are limited in a number of ways, and typically run out in a few years.

The question simply comes down to the extent to which you care about your bicycle. If you’re serious about cycling, then there’s no reason not to call Town & Country Insurance and see what kind of bicycle coverage you can get in Buford, GA.

Should You Buy Term or Perm Life Insurance?

Life insurance isn’t a one-size-fits-all type of purchase, though many people don’t realize this until far later in life. There are two major types of life insurance that are worth knowing about, and each come with their own set of benefits and drawbacks. If you live in Dacula, GA, find out more about each one from your friends at Town & Country Insurance

Term Insurance 

Term insurance is when you take out a policy for a certain length of time. Most people do this for their children. If something should happen to them before the child becomes an adult, they’re financially covered. Term insurance is typically a lot cheaper than permanent insurance, though many people don’t realize just how limiting it can be. For example, even older children may need assistance after a parent has passed or a spouse may need more protection against mounting costs and hidden fees. 

Permanent Insurance 

Permanent insurance lasts forever and is made to give the holder the ultimate in peace of mind. It is typically more expensive, but it also serves as a safety net in the case of an extreme event. Should you lose your job or face debt, you can actually borrow from the policy during a crisis. It’s not meant to serve as a savings account, but it can be incredibly handy when there doesn’t seem to be anywhere else to turn. Permanent insurance is excellent if you live in Dacula, GA, and have loved ones who depend on you. 

To find out more about Town & Country Insurance, simply call us today for more information. We want to talk to you about what policy makes more sense for you. Contact us to learn more about our services and rates!